Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Week Eleven

Mood: Happy! 

Cravings: None this week either, but my appetite has gotten better! 

Gender: 5 weeks until I can find out! 

Names: Adina for a girl, and Liam or Adrian for  a boy! 

Size of Baby: A lime!

Week of Pregnancy: Eleven

Fears: None! I can do this!

Weight: 106.5lbs, I need to eat more according to the doctor lol 

Looking Forward to: Moving on Monday and starting my second job! 

This week started off as the worst week so far but has completely turned around! I got a severe migraine over the weekend that caused so much nausea I couldn't hold down food and ended up dehydrated in the emergency room. I got put on an IV and was given fluids and some watered down narcotic I was allergic to. The head ache went away thankfully, but I wasn't done vomiting quite yet and was super queasy all the next day. 

I got a second job serving at Black Bear diner that is about to open up in Sequim! The extra income will be amazing and I'll finally be able to save a decent amount of money to get me through maternity leave. At least that's the plan. 

I have a bit of energy now and should use it for packing up my house! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Surprise I'm actually at 10 weeks!!!!!!

I had my first appointment with my obgyn today! It was exciting! She told me that I am actually at 10 weeks and 1 day, not the 9 weeks I thought I was at. I also got to hear the baby's heart beat which was a super neat experience! When I laughed the heart beat sped up, my baby is the size of a lime!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Week Nine

Mood: Undecided

Cravings: None, not even an appetite. I made chocolate chip cookies this morning and couldn't even eat them :-(

Gender: 7 more weeks until we can find out!

Names: Still none

Size of Baby: A green olive 

Week of Pregnancy: Nine

Fears: There's maybe one or two

Weight: I haven't put on any weight this week. It's hard to put on weight when you have no appetite. 

Looking Forward to: My first OBGYN appointment this week!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Week 8

 Week Eight

Mood: Content

Cravings: Surprisingly none today!

Gender: No clue yet but I did have a dream last night it was a girl. 

Names: Can't agree on one yet.

Size of Baby: A Raspberry

Week of Pregnancy: Eight

Fears: None today :-)

Weight: I've put on a whopping 4lbs, one in each boob and the other two straight to my gut!

Stretch Marks: Nope!

Looking Forward to: Visiting Molly and going to a Mariners game all this weekend!

This weeks been nuts. The hormones have hit me full force, I have become that crazy hormonal pregnant lady! You'll never truly understand what it's like to go from one extreme to the next until you're pregnant and have no control over it. Crying when you should be laughing, being over the top happy to the point of driving people nuts, yeah it's a pain. I have been going to the gym about 4 or 5 times a week. I average running 2-3 miles per visit and have recently discovered the circuit room. Since I can no longer enjoy the sauna, I soak my feet in the hot tub, not quite the same but the jets give a nice massage.