Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Week Seventeen!

Mood: Pregnant. 

Cravings: SOUR candy and milkshakes

Gender: My 20 week ultrasound will reveal the secret in 3 weeks!

Names: Boston, no matter the gender :-)

Size of Baby: An Onion.

Week of Pregnancy: Seventeen

Fears: oh boy, where to begin

Weight: Who knows really, my roommates scale is in some strange measurement that isn't pounds so I can't read it lol

Looking Forward to: Eating my 4th meal today!

For the most part I've had pretty stable emotions throughout my pregnancy, only a few meltdowns. This week was the worst though, I had three already! Two were because suddenly all my shirts are too small and I refuse to live in stretchy cami's and yoga pants, and the pickings of cute maternity wear in Port Angeles is rather slim. The consignment shop by Fiesta Jalisco has been the best, I've got 4 shirts for $20. The third meltdown was because my roommate bought 1ply toilet paper. I like 2ply thank you very much.

The week of the disappearing belly is for sure gone and my belly is in the way 24/7. I'm trying to not imagine what its going to be like in 3 months lol My belly also sticks out farther than my chest now.

 Boston likes music, laughter and daddy's voice. I like food and sleeping.

I got in a strange mood yesterday and removed my closet doors from their hinges to make my room
more open.

All the hangers are from shirts that no longer fit :-(

My collection of baby things has grown!

Well its time for meal number 4!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Week Sixteen

Mood: I feel like a whale! I went maternity clothes shopping today. I finally quit being blind to the fact that I can no longer fit in my size small shirts. I put on a tank top that should fit me just fine and my belly and chest spilled right out!

Cravings: SOUR candy and fruit

Gender: I'm still thinking boy

Names: Boston, no matter the gender :-)

Size of Baby: An Avocado

Week of Pregnancy: Sixteen

Fears: Running out of sour candy

Weight: I look like I've gained 10lbs but when I step on the scale its the same weight. This has been the strangest week yet, I'll have no belly in the morning and then a huge belly at night.

Looking Forward to: My vacation. I decided I am taking a small vacation. Where to...no clue!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week Fifteen 

Mood: Excited!

Cravings: Fruit, constantly! And milkshakes, I had two yesterday...

Gender: I'm still thinking boy.

Names: Adrian! Because its going to be a boy lol

Size of Baby: An apple

Week of Pregnancy: Fifteen

Fears: Not gaining enough weight..

Weight: I lost a pound and am trying to gain weight like nuts.

Looking Forward to: Going to sleep

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Week Thirteen, 2nd Trimester!!

Mood: Refreshed!

Cravings: Food in general, I'm constantly hungry!

Gender: I've been thinking boy for a while now, we will see though.

Names: Adrian still for a boy, and as for a girl....no clue!

Size of Baby: A peach!

Week of Pregnancy: Thirteen

Fears: None at this moment

Weight: I don't know, but I do know my weight gain isn't up to par.

Looking Forward to: Starting my new job this week.